Product photography

Make your product a star

The targeted and at the same time visually appealing presentation of your product is crucial for the success of your marketing measures, especially in times of social media and increasing digitalization. Convey the benefits of your product in just one image and convey your brand message to your customers.

What added value does product photography have for you?

Outdoor product photography is a component of classic advertising photography. The aim is to visually depict a product to present it in a wide variety of media. In addition to online media such as websites, social media or advertising banners, photos in analog media such as catalogs, posters or flyers play an important role. 

Visual stimuli play an important role for customers when making purchasing decisions. The experience of a product can significantly influence the purchase decision. Attractive product images ensure a positive buying experience in your online store. Trust us as an experienced outdoor marketing agency and develop customized outdoor product images for your company with us.

What distinguishes us as a hunting and outdoor marketing agency?

We create a concept based on the individual characteristics of your product and stage it according to the requirements in your corporate design. You don’t have your own corporate design yet? Here, too, we support you as an outdoor marketing agency and jointly develop a design that embodies your company, creates a recognition value and contributes to the identification with your outdoor brand and your products.

In addition to the professional know-how in the conception, shooting and editing of images, our passion connects us with the topics of hunting and outdoor. Through our many years of experience as an outdoor marketing agency, we know how to put you and your product in the best possible light.

With us, you get the complete package: After the conception of your project, we create professional images as desired directly in our studio, a location of your choice or carefully selected locations that help to better showcase your product. This is followed by image editing. Here the result is rounded off and adapted to your intended use. 

Animated outdoor product photography

Bring your product to life. Animated product images create buying impulses and allow customers to experience your product as if they were right there with you. Animated product images are particularly useful in online stores and product pages. The advantages of this approach are obvious: customers can view the product from all sides and engage with it more intensively than with conventional photography. We will be happy to advise you on how to best present your product in this way. 

Flexible Use

Unsere Dienstleisungen

Professional images offer versatile use, e.g. on social media, in the print and online sector or for events and trade fairs.

Qualitative and detailed product images convey strong purchasing impulses. Pictures account for 75% of the purchase decision.


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30171 Hannover

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MV Media gmbh
CEO- Maximilian Voelker