UX & Web Design

Make visiting your website an experience.

Create a unique customer experience by optimizing your website. Together with you, we create your personal brand world and turn it into an experience. A high recognition value contributes to the target group’s identification with you and your products. The intuitive operation of the website makes the purchase a positive experience and contributes to customer loyalty. 

What sets us apart?

We combine design and functionality. 

We don’t just uncover problems; we immediately offer you a customized solution and support you in implementing it. 

As a marketing agency with a focus on hunting and outdoor web design, we move with our interests close to your target group and know their needs. Nevertheless, the analysis of your situation and the individual development of solutions is very important to us. 

Outdoor web design

Let your website become your digital business card: Show what your company and brand is all about. Create a recognition value through an appealing outdoor web design. We offer innovative solutions and combine visually appealing content with functionality. In our complete package we offer the visual, structural and functional design of your outdoor website including all visible elements like videos, images, texts and logos. Alternatively, we analyze and optimize already existing solutions. 

Corporate design

Through a uniform corporate design, you create a high recognition value of your brand among customers and in this way provide a design framework. Together with you, we develop a look that represents you, your identity and your philosophy. 

Outdoor logo design

Your logo is your company’s fingerprint and is an inseparable link between you, your brand and your products. Show personality with your logo. As part of the design process, we offer outdoor logo design for our clients and develop your personal outdoor logo to match your corporate design.

UX consulting

We analyze the chess points of your website and develop the optimal solution for your problem. Here we use proven methods from the field of online marketing to adapt our solution to you, your customers and your market position. 

Usabilty Test

We put your product through its paces, uncover problems and showcase the benefits of your solution. Whether website, app, product or service, optimize the user experience of your users. By taking a holistic view of your products, we work out problems, uncover weak points and offer you possible solutions. In doing so, we attach importance to a comprehensive analysis on all end devices such as monitors of different sizes, laptops, tablets and smartphones. 

We analyze already existing products as well as newly created solutions, so that you can get started with your web presence without any problems. 


+49 511 811 268 60


Große Düwelstraße 1
30171 Hannover

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MV Media gmbh
CEO- Maximilian Voelker